Total Pest Control

Pests controlled by treatments include;
Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes, Wasps, Earwigs, Fleas, Silverfish, Ants, Termites
Basically most of your creepy crawlies that cross the treated area will be taken care of.

Local Controller of Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes
With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing outstanding service.
"You dont have to live with them"
The aim of Spider Sprayers is to:
Reduce the presence of Spiders and the associated risks.
Reduce annoying Flies and Mosquitoes and potential exposure to the diseases they carry.
Reduce housework by removing unsightly cobwebs.
Pests controlled by treatments include; Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes, Wasps, Earwigs, Fleas, Silverfish, Ants. Basically most of your creepy crawlies that cross the treated area will be taken care of.
Our Method of Treatment....
On the outside, our service includes the full spraying of the house, under the eaves, clothesline, outdoor furniture, outdoor play sets, cubby-house, rubbish bins and pot plants.
On the inside our service treats under your whitegoods, skirting boards, door frames, window frames and ceiling. Where access is available, we 'dust' the roof void.
Pests controlled by the treatment include; Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes, Earwigs, Fleas, Silverfish, Ants. Basically most of your creepy crawlies that cross the treated area will be taken care of.
The treatment used is based on a naturally occurring product which has been selected for its friendliness to humans and pets. It is also effective over a long period of time. The products are odourless, non-staining and safe.
To assist you in preparing for our arrival, please read through the following:
Cover with newspaper, old sheets or towels that can be washed:
- All food preparation areas
- Pillow end of bed (1 Metre)
- Dining table
Place in cupboard or cover
- Toys
- Medicine
- Toilet Paper
- Tissue (turn box upside down)
- Cots
- Baby changing area’s
We don’t spray in walk in robes or walk in pantry (unless specific problem or requested.)
Fish Tanks:
- Fish ponds / fish tanks must be covered and air pump turned off.
- Tip bowls over
- Ensure pets are out of the house
- Product kills fleas, can spray the kennel.
Clothes Line:
- Remove washing
After Spraying:
- Its recommended you don’t enter the house for 2 hours after we spray inside. Once dry there are no vapours. Open doors to ventilate if concerned with smell.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pests controlled by the treatment include; Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes, Wasps, Earwigs, Fleas, Silverfish, Ants. Basically most of your creepy crawlies that cross the treated area will be taken care of.
A residential home is on average about $350-400
Please use the rate above as a guide only; it will be discussed further when booking your appointment. The price includes spraying outside and inside.
Outside, our service includes the full spraying of the house, under the eaves, clothesline, outdoor furniture, outdoor play sets, cubby-house, rubbish bins and pot plants.
On the inside our service treats under your whitegoods, skirting boards, door frames, window frames and ceiling. Where access is available, we 'dust' the roof void. (Furniture is not moved)
A full quote will be provided before we start spraying. Standard garden sheds are included in our "Fence to Fence" service, although large sheds, stables, dog pens, etc can be confirmed with an onsite quote.
Appointments are normally taken care of within 2 weeks.
The product we use has a proven sustained residual activity that lasts for months. Prolonged dusty conditions may require an occasional light hosing of treated areas to restore activation. Adverse weather conditions may also break down external areas sooner than inside.
The technician will take approximately 2 hours.
No additional charge.
Yes – if it is expected to rain or raining or excessive winds, spraying will be re-scheduled.
Flies, Spiders and Mosquitos, being the common summer pests. However, the treatment will also help control several other species of insects including mites, moths, beetles, silverfish, earwigs, fleas.
Our treatment although effective, is not immediate. Spiders may enter your home through washing, or flies through open doors. You may also find certain crawling insects come straight under your door. Given time they will all become affected by our treatment, remembering the larger the insect, the longer it takes. We do not treat cupboards, behind curtains or under beds; so if you find there is a problem in these areas, mention this at time of treatment.
The premises need to be vacated for at least 2 hours on completion of spraying inside. If only the outside is sprayed there is no need to leave the premises.
The product has a low toxicity rating, less toxic than many cleaning products used in the home. It also has no adverse effect on plants or animals (with the exception of fish).
You may find a difference from the first year to the second. The treatment and method is the same but you may find fewer dead insects. This is not uncommon as the initial treatment breaks the insect's breeding cycle. However, some unusual climatic conditions, e.g. wet winter, warm/hot summer may induce some insects to breed more ferociously. Remember - the insects have to come into contact with the surface for the treatment to take effect. Accordingly, you may initially still find some insects remain active, particularly flying insects, immediately following treatment.
This is covered in the treatment section
Upon re-entering the house open doors/windows to fully ventilate. Remove all paper and place in rubbish bin, wash covers and wash hands immediately afterwards.
Detergent neutralizes the treatment. Do not wash treated areas e.g. skirting boards, window frames. Leave spider webs up for 1 - 2 weeks then brush them down with a broom.
The majority of our customers receive treatment once every 12 months.
Wet areas such as the bathroom where constant steam from the shower can reduce the duration of the product.
Windows can be wiped with a damp cloth after spraying to remove over spray if needed.
Outside effectiveness is lessened with dust build up which insulates the pest from the product. Note however sometimes a light wash of the walls will re-expose the product and make it more effective.
Do Not Pressure Wash.
Do not use Bore Water to wash walls as it neutralises the product.
Contact Us
Pests Treated
Pests controlled by the treatment include; Spiders, Flies, Mosquitoes, Wasps, Earwigs, Fleas, Silverfish, Ants. Basically most of your creepy crawlies that cross the treated area will be taken care of.

(Image suppressed for those with phobias!)
Spiders are invertebrates with a two part body (cephalon thorax and abdomen), biting chelicerae and silk glands that discharge through spinnerets. They have 4 pairs of legs and additional pair of short appendages (pedipalps) beside the chelicerae. Eight is not only the number of legs spiders have. The original spiders and most still have eight eyes and if that is not enough spiders still live today which have the original complement of eight spinnerets.

Flies are insects of the order Diptera. Insects of this order use only a single pair of wings to fly, the hindwings having evolved into advanced mechanosensory organs known as halteres, which act as high-speed sensors of rotational movement and allow dipterans to perform advanced aerobatics. Diptera is a large order containing an estimated 1,000,000 species including horse-flies,[a] crane flies, hoverflies, house flies and others, although only about 125,000 species have been described.

Mosquitoes, the Culicidae, have a slender segmented body, one pair of wings, three pairs of long hair-like legs, and specialized, highly elongated, piercing-sucking mouthparts. All mosquitoes drink nectar from flowers; females of some species have in addition adapted to drink blood. The group diversified during the Cretaceous period. Evolutionary biologists view mosquitoes as micropredators, small animals that parasitise larger ones by drinking their blood without immediately killing them. Medical parasitologists view mosquitoes instead as vectors of disease, carrying protozoan parasites or bacterial or viral pathogens from one host to another.
Ants are social insects which live in nests. The nests vary in size depending on their age and the species of ant. They are generally found in the ground, in wood or under rocks, although ants can also nest in walls, fireplaces, under paths and in buildings. They are most active from October to March.
Ants are a very successful insect group with over 1200 species occurring in Australia. All species can be beneficial to the environment. Some eat insect Pests such as termites, their nests improve the soil, they quickly recycle nutrients back into the soil and they are food for a wide range of native birds, reptiles and other small animals.

The common name for numerous species of social insects that can damage wooden structures such as furniture or houses. Of about 2000 known species, most are distributed in tropical countries and some inhabit the temperate regions. Termites are sometimes referred to as 'white ants' because of their creamy coloring and ant-like appearance. There are over 350 species of termites in Australia of which some 20 species can damage timber in houses. In nature, they assist in the recycling of organic matter and nutrients back to the soil.
There only 6 families of cockroaches found worldwide, consisting of 4000 species. Australia has representatives of 5 of these families but with only 428 species present. Half of a the cockroaches in Australia can be found in the Blattidae family which includes both the native and introduced species. Go to our links section to find out more about the families of cockroaches.

There are 16 different families of fleas worldwide, consisting of about 2380 species. In Australia 9 of these families are represented with just 90 different species. About half of the endemic species that occur in Australia are found in the Pygiopsyllidae family. The Pulicidae family contains many of the introduced fleas such as the cat, dog and human flea, as well as some native species. Go to our links section to find out more aboutout more about the different families of fleas.

Lice are small, wingless insects that are parasites of birds and mammals. They are usually less than 10 millimetres in length and are rarely seen without the aid of a microscope or magnifying glass. Lice are short lived and usually host specific.
A few species of lice have adapted to live and feed on humans, such as the head louse (Pediculus capitis), the eggs of which are commonly called nits and the body louse (Pediculus humanus).

There are only 4 families of silverfish found worldwide, consisting of about 370 species. In Australia just 2 of these families are represented with 28 species present. The 2 Australian families are easily separated from others found throughout the world as the Nicoletiidae family are eyeless and the Lepismatidae have only small compound eyes. Go to our links section to find out more about about the families of silverfish.

Carpet Beetles
Carpet beetles damage fabrics, furnishings and clothing that contain wool, silk, hair, bristles, fur, or feathers. Synthetic items are resistant to attack, but mixtures of synthetic and natural fibres can be damaged. The natural habitats of carpet beetles are nests of birds, rodents, insects, and spiders. The beetles are pollen feeders and can be found in large numbers in flowers; they can be brought into the house in cut flowers.

Clothes Moths
Although less common than carpet beetles, clothes moths are commonly experienced in similar environments to carpet beetles, namely woollen materials, felt, fur and other materials of animal origin.
The two most common species of clothes moths are the case making clothes moth (Tinea pellionella) and the common clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella).